Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Take One Arranged Marriage

Take One Arranged Marriage

Tara Sundaram learns that her father has found her the perfect husband she is not convinced. she wanted to study but not allowed to.  She may be from a traditional Indian family, but she is far from conventional Perhaps she should check out her future husband in secret just in case.

getting married to Vikram Krishnan she can study (if he agrees) +  his looks...Tara knows her blushes betray her outward coolness. Maybe marriage to Vikram will have its perks! But before she says yes Tara has a few little rules for her husband-to-be.

and then things change...
Only she hasn't counted on Vikram being just as keen to throw out the rulebook as she is!

she has fallen in love with him, but she is shocked to hear from him  that cannot love anyone.

at verge of breakdown, she finds out her happiness.

well, the author has justified the name, at every step Tara has to face new things, and why not...she has met him just twice before they got married. and after that every day is a new day...
for everything,
she has to think before she do.

not a "Must Read has "
but kinda indulging...once you started reading, you won't put it down.

Enjoy !!!


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