Thursday, 30 May 2013

changes could be fun :)

there was a time when just the thought that i have to use linux...makes my head go round and round. i used to think who the hell uses something like command-lin e. i am using computer since...mmm...around 12 years...and all these times window is holding hands with its so called friend...cmd(command line) but who the hell is so stupid to use that instead of GUI. you want to create a na...why to remember commands.
but you know what...6 months and i am in love with linux.
this feeling of being THE ROOT...
you can do anything(mostly)...with a few words...
heheh...its surely is awesome.

and yes i know you can screw me big my mentor says..."there's no backspace option here."
so, dearest linux...

you will have all my focus,dedication,patience, love and trust.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Take One Arranged Marriage

Take One Arranged Marriage

Tara Sundaram learns that her father has found her the perfect husband she is not convinced. she wanted to study but not allowed to.  She may be from a traditional Indian family, but she is far from conventional Perhaps she should check out her future husband in secret just in case.

getting married to Vikram Krishnan she can study (if he agrees) +  his looks...Tara knows her blushes betray her outward coolness. Maybe marriage to Vikram will have its perks! But before she says yes Tara has a few little rules for her husband-to-be.

and then things change...
Only she hasn't counted on Vikram being just as keen to throw out the rulebook as she is!

she has fallen in love with him, but she is shocked to hear from him  that cannot love anyone.

at verge of breakdown, she finds out her happiness.

well, the author has justified the name, at every step Tara has to face new things, and why not...she has met him just twice before they got married. and after that every day is a new day...
for everything,
she has to think before she do.

not a "Must Read has "
but kinda indulging...once you started reading, you won't put it down.

Enjoy !!!

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Dangerous to Know

 Sebastian Locke, the last great philanthropist, has the world at his fingertips--power, money and a beautiful fiancee. Suddenly, mysteriously, he commits suicide--or does he?

Journalist Vivienne Locke Trent is devastated when she learns of the mysterious death of her former husband, .Vivienne first met Sebastian - as  her mother's lover. After her mother's death from an accidental fall Sebastian became Vivienne's lover, despite the twenty year age difference.
Vivienne, who had just met Sebastian for lunch a few days earlier, and could remember how happy he was.. can't believe that he could take his own life.
 Jack and Luciana...his children . Jack had an extremely volatile relationship with his father, one that was marred by fights and feelings of abandonment. He hated living in his father's shadow. Sebastian's daughter Luciana is a chip off the old block, a woman who is bent on taking over her father's vast corporations and making a name for herself.

 Luciana has always hated Vivienne with a passion; she always felt that Vivienne was standing in the way of her and her father's closeness.

Vivienne unearths numerous secrets and reveals petty jealousies and deep ambitions within the family members. As Vivienne digs deeper into Sebastian's origins, she discovers the shattering secret that led him to his death." 

Saturday, 25 May 2013


ahm.... so i am here again...actually it seems much like an achievement that i have written a post.

its my first post about some novel...and that too DAN BROWN's INFERNO.

there's something i would like to say first...i am not going to write the perfect-formal type review about anything.
that's not just my cup of coffee  cold coffee i must say...its so hot!!!(sorry a dead pj).

once again Dan Brown is back with an amazing  new blockbuster. 
hmmm...The covers of this book are too far apart. i am sure you have to be either a maniac or  obsessed with reading. but no matter which category you belong to, you will love it. "The amazing=Brown's way" 
so-so much to grasp...but full on suspense and thrill , a deadly combination.

Inferno (Italian for "Hell") is the first part of Dante Alighieri's 14th-century epic poem Divine Comedy. It is followed by Purgatorio and Paradiso. It is an allegory telling of the journey of Dante through Hell, guided by the Roman poet Virgil
(i have no idea what Robert (character) had Bournvita, horlicks or something else...he remember or i must say he knows so much...)


Robert Langdon a professor at Harvard wakes up in a hospital room in Florence shot by a bullet + with amnesia...he had no idea where he was, Sienna Brooks a doctor who helped him run away from people who desperately want to kill him, and he had no idea why.

Robert finds a biohazard cylinder in his jacket.  The US government wants to kill him, and Robert's only chance for survival is to figure out what the biohazard cylinder is. He opens the cylinder and finds a medieval bone cylinder fitted with a hi-tech projector that projects a modified version of Botticelli's Map of Hellon comes and helps them escape the black soldiers. 

well, a scientist Bertrand Zobrist is working his way out to save the world from "the most promising disaster"...something that will lead to "THE END"...the alarming rate at which we humans are reproducing.
he has major facts and researched alot...and yes he was right. 
even  Elizabeth Sinskey, the Director-General of the World Health Organization, agree with it. But they both have different way around the things.

Read this masterpiece to find out the vast imagination, the curse of  growing population ( could be), and most the scientist will use the  technology to save the World. . 

 will he really save the World, or will lead the human race to its full stop (end)  too soon.

ah... saving the World, i can't promise you a happy ending, but the novel is surely a treat for the Book lovers.

but don't rush to buy me, its price still hurts somewhere deep inside my head and heart too. wait for a second-hand. Oh yeah i have one. Wanna buy :P) 


HERE i AM...

finally i am here... actually since past two weeks  i am writing this post in my mind over and over again...
but felt so lazy to type.
 sometimes, i wish...i could just speak and someone could write or type for me.

but of-course...


well, i love to read and watch movies, so i just thought- it will be a good idea to to share all this stuff with you.
lets see how it goes... and for how many days i continue writing(considering the frequency with which i watch movies :P)